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September 02, 2010

Back to School and a Sneak Peak

Candy Pencil step 5 I can't believe it's September 1st already. That means back to school for many, so how about a fun back to school project? To make the candy pencil pictured on the left, you'll need: 1 Hershey's Kiss, a roll of candy (I used Sweet Tarts, but Rolos, Mentos, or any other roll of candy would work), strong adhesive, a large glue dot, and pencil colored paper. The paper I used is from Pink Paislee's Old School collection, and will be shipping to AWDML later this month. The specific piece of paper is called Prep School (it just happens to be yellow on one side and red on the other). Candy Pencil step 1

Once you've gathered your supplies you will need to measure your roll of candy and cut a yellow piece of paper to that size. I cut my paper to the exact length of the sweet tarts, but added 1/4" to the circumference so I had room for overlap when wrapping. For example, the Sweet Tarts are 6 3/4" long and 3" in circumference, so my yellow paper is cut to 6 3/4" x 3 1/4".

Next, you will need to cut a 3/4" strip of red paper. Use the same circumference as you did for the yellow paper. So, my red paper is 3/4" x 3 1/4".

Candy Pencil Step 2 Place your larger (yellow) sheet of paper in front of you wrong side up. Put a strong adhesive on the 2 long edges of the wrong side of the paper. Put your candy directly on top of one of the long sides of the paper, press down so the adhesive sticks firmly to the candy. Roll the candy up in the paper. This will form the body of your pencil.

Candy Pencil step 3  Place your smaller (red) sheet of paper in front of you wrong side up. Put a strong adhesive on the 2 short edges of the wrong side of the paper. Put your candy directly on top of one of the short edges of the paper, press down so the adhesive sticks firmly to the candy. Roll the candy up in the paper. This will be your eraser.

Candy Pencil step 4

  Stick a large Glue Dot on the end of the pencil opposite the eraser. Attach the flat side of a Hershey's Kiss to the glue dot, and ta da, you've got a candy pencil. These can be cute handed out alone, or paired with a matching card.



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Super cute. I've also seen this done with a pack of Roll-os, so the pencil is smaller, perfect for placing on a card. Thanks for the visual!

Thanks for being very detailed when giving your directions (especially the measurements)each time you do a tutorial. Your projects are wonderful, but your instructions on how to make them are even better. Love this project!

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