9 posts categorized "Fun Blog Things"

August 25, 2010

Let's Chat About Adhesives

Happy Wednesday! Before we talk adhesives today, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Samantha Taylor and I am a design team member for the Brick and Mortar Store. I'm starting in a new role today as AWDML's Social Media Coordinator. What does that mean for you? That means daily blog posts (Monday-Friday), Facebook Contests, and a few more newsletters that feature what's happening at the store.   I'm really excited to be sharing what's going on at A Walk Down Memory Lane with you! Now...on to some chat about adhesives.

Tombow Glue Pen

First up is my favorite glue pen, the Tombow Glue Pen. This pen is great for gluing on little letters, gives a permanent bond on lots of materials (paper, metal,plastic), but doesn't stick to your hands (that's the part that makes it my favorite).  

Glue Glider Pro

Next up is a fantastic mono adhesive - the Glue Glider Pro.  This is a great adhesive for all your paper needs. It's my go to for layouts and card making. Not only is it the perfect size, but it glides on smoothly and easily. The bright colors make it hard to misplace on  your desk when your craft space gets a little messy (please tell me I'm not the only one who's done that). Finally, you can change out the adhesive cartridges without using them up. Need a temporary adhesive? No problem, just pop out the Perm Tac Cartridge and pop in a temporary one.

This to That

Up last is a way to add a little dimension to your project. Why not try out the American Crafts this to that foam dots? I love that you get a variety of sizes in one box. These are a great way to bring something extra to a project.

Join me tomorrow to learn how to alter a notebook. It's a great back to school project!


April 18, 2009

Who's your favorite store?

CosmoCricketLuvLSS Cosmo Cricket is running a little "contest" on their blog to win a Crafting Kit of their new collection called Early Bird.

Head on over to the Cosmo Cricket Blog and add a little plug for your favorite store.  :)

If it's us, we thank you so much for your vote.


February 24, 2009

AWESOME Color Combination Site

ColorComboSite I was reading Marianne's blog this morning and she posted about this awesome Color Combination site from Adobe.  This site has all kinds of great color combinations that you can translate to cards, layouts and paper crafting projects or even home decorating.  You can choose your combinations by THEME, color, season or whatever...

Marianne's blog is all about Copic markers.  For those of you who get our Copic marker kits, this is a fantastic site to bookmark.  She posts helpful tips and tricks almost every day and beings she's the one who taught me in the Certification class, she's got WAY better information that I do!  :)

December 15, 2008

Fun Christmas Game

I saw this on the Dream Street Paper blog on Friday and it was a fun little Christmas Quiz.  Below is a list of phrases that are actually paraphrased words that are Christmas songs. Can you guess the songs?

1. The apartment of 2 psychiatrists.
2. The lad is a diminutive percussionist.
3. Decorate the entry-ways .
4. Sir Lancelot with laryngitis.
5. A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.
6. Present me naught but dual incisors for this festive Yuletide.
7. The smog-less bewitching hour arrived.
8. Exuberation to this orb.
9. 288 Yuletide hours.
10. Do you perceive the same longitudinal pressure which stimulates my auditory sense organs.
11. The red-suited pa is due in this burg.
12. Stepping on the pad cover.
13. Uncouth dolt has his beezer in the booze and thinks he is a Dark Cloud's boyfriend.
14. Far back in a hay bin.
15. Leave and do an elevated broadcast.
16. That exiguous hamlet south of the holy city.
17. Behold! I envisioned a trio of nautical vessels.
18. Listen, the winged heavenly messengers are proclaiming tunefully.
19. A joyful song relative to hollow metallic vessels which vibrate and bring forth a ringing sound when struck.
20. As the guardians of little woolly animal's protected their charges in the shadows of the earth.
21. Frozen precipitation commence
22. Monarchical triad
23. Oh, member of the round table with missing areas
24. Boulder of the tinkling metal spheres
25. Vehicular homicide was committed on Dad's mom by a precipitous darling
26. Wanted in December: top forward incisors
27. We are Kong, Lear, and Nat Cole
28. Cup-shaped instruments fashioned of a whitish metallic element
29. Oh small Israel urban center
30. Our fervent hope is that you thoroughly enjoy your yuletide season
31. Parent was observed osculating a red-coated unshaven teamster
32. May the Deity bestow an absence of fatigue to mild male humans
33. Natal celebration devoid of color, rather albino, as a hallucinatory phenomenon for me.
34. Obese personification fabricated of compressed mounds of minute crystals.
35. Tranquility upon the terrestrial sphere.
36. Have hither ward the entire assembly of those who are loyal in their belief.

(the link to the answers is HERE).

So, how did you do?

August 18, 2008

Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner!

Chagiveaway1 WOW!!  You guys LOVE your sales don't ya?  LOL  You're gonna keep me busy pulling, packing, weighing and shipping orders all week long!

My mailman probably won't love me this week, so I may have to make him a batch of cookies or something!  He's gonna get his workout this week!

OK, so I'm sure you're all curious to know who the winners are right??  Well.......here ya go!

Congratulations goes to Christine Barchacky and Roxanne Shierling!  They will be receiving a little extra goodie bag with their order!

And remember, for those of you who ordered this week, there are some other little goodies that I will be adding too.  So, thank you so very much for your orders last week, I appreciate it very very much!  I hope you enjoy your goodies!

If you're not already a member of our message board and gallery, feel free to sign up and share your creations with us!  We love to see your end results!

Sorry about the blog post title....I was thinking about my brother today, and this is one of his favorite sayings.  LOL

August 12, 2008

Looking for some inspiration?

Dtblog Are you running into the summer blahs?  You know...it's too hot to go outside and do much, so you stay in the house, but you're not feeling the scrapping mojo?

Well look no further, click on THIS LINK to head on over to our Design Team's blog!  The girls on our design team are FABULOUS and post almost daily with tips, tricks, inspirational layouts and projects, classes, and links to some of their favorite places on the web.

Remember there is a big sale over at the store all this week, and make sure you read Sunday's post to see what secret you need to know, in order to be in a drawing for an AWESOME goodie prize!

August 10, 2008

Store & Blog Candy Announcement!!

Chagiveaway1 While away at CHA last month, I was able to get some brand-spankin' new, never before seen, and not yet shipping papers, embellishments, and stickers from various companies when I ordered.  So what, you say???  Well, being the kind-hearted lady that I am....I'm sharing the love!  *wink*

If you place an order in the store at A Walk Down Memory Lane during our last camping trip this week (starting today through Sunday, August 17) your name will be put in a hat for ONE of these goodie packages you see in the pictures!!  But ONLY if you put *I WANT CANDY* in the comments section of the order.  This is ONLY for my blog readers, and the only way I know you read my blog is to add that to the comments section of the blog.  :)

What's included?  Well, I'm not gonna tell you EVERYTHING, but there's some Pink Paislee, October Afternoon, The Crafters Workshop, Scenic Route, Making Memories, My Mind's Eye...and maybe a few other extras I may find laying around from my bag that IChagiveaway2  finally got unpacked yesterday!

*A LOT* of these things aren't even shipping yet and some items in this stack won't be shipping for a few months!!!!  So, if you want to get your hands on these goodies WAY before your friends can, place your order at the store sometime today through next Sunday the 17th.  I'll draw the two winners on Monday morning when I return, and it will be packed along with your order.

Oh, and last but not least, and probably BEST of all................................there is a HUGE sale going on in the store.  Lots and lots of things in the clearance section.  And almost everything else is on sale during the week, just for this giveaway.

So, feel free to tell your friends (well, just the ones you really like, who may share the goodie bag with you if they win!).  We've got enough goodies to go around, so everyone will receive a little extra goodie in their bag that may be an acrylic stamp set, wood alphabet set, ribbon spool, or even a little page kit with paper, ribbon, and chipboard pieces.

See, we go on vacation and you get the goodies!  Have a great week everyone!

April 30, 2008

Delightful Blogs...yep, we're there!!

Db_headerleft   Hey, check it out!!!  This blog is listed on Delightful Blogs!  It's a fun place to find all kinds of cool blogs.  They highlight blogs with personality, that are passionate and stylish, hmmm, think we have that?  :)

You can check out our listing HERE and feel free to rate our blog and leave a comment about the blog if you like!

August 23, 2007

What Color Crayon are YOU?

I saw this on another blog this morning, and even though it isn't "technically" scrapbook or card related, it shows off some of your personality in color choices.  Answer a few quick questions, and it'll show you what color you are.  It's kinda fun and it actually picked out my favorite color...

You can click HERE to try it youself.

You Are a Purple Crayon

Your world is colored in dreamy, divine, and classy colors.
You hold yourself to a sky high standard, and you are always graceful.
People envy, idolize, and copy you without realizing it. You are an icon for those who know you.
And while it is hard to be a perfectionist, rest assured it's paying off!

Your color wheel opposite is yellow. While yellow people may be wise, they lack the manners and class needed to impress you.